Dry mouth is more than just uncomfortable – it can also threaten your oral health. Luckily, you can keep your teeth and gums safe from most of its negative effects. Today, we’ll examine what this condition is, what it does, and how to protect your mouth from its wrath. Why You Might Have Dry Mouth
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Taking a fun summer vacation is a great way to recharge, but it’s important not to let your oral hygiene slip while you’re relaxing. Keeping consistent habits is the best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy for life. Whether you’re heading out on a road trip or hopping on a plane, here are
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Getting regular dental cleanings is key to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. However, your oral health needs can fluctuate over time. How often should you get a cleaning during each stage of your life? Today, we’ll answer that question by breaking down our cleaning frequency recommendations by age and oral health status. Children (Under
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If you’ve recently noticed some holes in your teeth, your first thought was probably that they were cavities. That might be true, but it’s also possible that the holes are something else entirely. Let’s look at a few of the alternate reasons why you might have holes in your teeth. 1. Pits and Fissures You
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Halloween is here, and that means there’s candy around every corner. If you’re hoping to indulge in a few goodies to celebrate, you may be wondering which treats are best for your teeth. Keep reading to find out which candies will help you keep cavities to a minimum. Which Candies Are Bad for Your Teeth?
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Do your back teeth hurt (also known as your molars) when you bite down on them? Don’t panic – there are a few reasons why this might be happening, and not all of them are serious. Here are a few things that might be behind the problem. Dentin Hypersensitivity Dentin hypersensitivity (also known as sensitive
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Cracked teeth are a common type of dental injury. Cracks can develop in teeth from injuries like blows or falls, due to teeth grinding, or even just from normal wear and tear if the tooth is heavily decayed. How can you tell if your tooth is cracked? Look for the signs below. How to Identify
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Feeling a sharp zap every time you eat ice cream or sip your favourite coffee drink? You may be suffering from sensitive teeth, a common condition that affects hundreds of thousands of Canadians each year. Luckily, there are many ways to deal with this painful problem and get back to enjoying the food and drink
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If your dental filling has been a little tender lately, you may be starting to wonder if you have a problem on your hands. The answer is usually yes, but it’s a more complicated question than you might think. There are many different problems that can cause some discomfort in a tooth with a dental
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While you may have been excited to feel a loose tooth in your mouth as a child, it’s a whole different ball game when it happens to you as an adult. A loose permanent tooth may be lost forever if you don’t act quickly. Whether it happened due to an injury, teeth grinding, gum disease,
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