Due to age and tooth decay, gum tissue surrounding the teeth can gradually pull back. This exposes more of the tooth’s structure, and it could ultimately expose the root of the tooth. Pockets can form between the teeth and the gum line as a result of this recession, too. Once these pockets appear, they can
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Where are your wisdom teeth? Peek inside your mouth. On each side of both your upper and lower jaws are three molars. The third in that lineup, at the back of your mouth – those are your wisdom teeth. That means you can have up to four wisdom teeth in your mouth, although it is
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How Often Should I Change My Toothbrush? Ideally, you should change your toothbrush every three months. To ensure you get maximum cleaning from every brushing session, always replace your toothbrush after a maximum of four months. Brush heads older than this remove significantly less plaque. Keep an eye on your brush and change it if
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Children may not be fans of bathing, or being clean in general. That can extend to their teeth. However, if your child has persistent bad breath, you should start to pay attention. Why do children have bad breath? There are various reasons including: Having eaten smelly foods, such as garlic Not brushing their teeth often
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Have you been putting off going to the dentist? Millions of people in the U.S. and Canada suffer from some level of dental anxiety. Even if the idea of the dentist doesn’t bother you, you might feel it’s not a high priority in your life. There always seems to be something else to do… and
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Even if you have taken great care of your teeth throughout your life, you still may need to get dentures at some point. Sometimes the signs that you need them are not as obvious as you would think. In addition to following your dentist’s recommendations about when the time is right to get them, here
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Do you remember the last time you went to the dentist? If you can’t, it’s time to make that appointment. Your dentist has seen teeth of all sizes, shapes, and hues, and can help you get your teeth back into prime shape. But if you are hesitant about what can happen, this is what you
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As people get older, some may start to develop health problems. Whether it is due to lifestyle, genetics, or simple overuse, we may think that this is just a part of life. The same for teeth. You may think that you will eventually lose them. Yet this doesn’t have to be the case! By taking
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If you are like most people, you want strong, healthy, white teeth. But did you know that tooth discoloration is a natural part of getting older? However, discolored teeth is not only due to aging. Certain food and drink can discolor and stain your teeth. This happens because those foods and drinks have higher levels
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How often do you go to the dentist? Have you ever avoided a visit because you thought there could be pain involved? If so, you wouldn’t be the only one. Historically, dental procedures, such as getting cavities filled, have been associated with the possibility of pain. If you are delaying getting cavities filled because of
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