Veneers are one of the most popular teeth whitening treatments available today. Made from thin layers of porcelain or composite, these tiny outer shells fit snugly over your natural teeth and can completely disguise any stains or yellowing.
However, it’s important to remember that traditional teeth whitening treatments are still available. With that in mind, are veneers worth the investment? Let’s go over some factors that will help you answer this question.
Why Choose Veneers?
Veneers offer several advantages over standard teeth whitening treatments.
While whitening treatments can only make your teeth a few shades lighter than their initial colour, veneers can be made in any shade – even the brilliant white of the classic “Hollywood smile.” That’s why many celebrities choose to get them before their debut. Veneers can even cover up intrinsic stains (stains within your tooth’s enamel), which is something that no bleach-based whitening treatment can do.
Veneers can also be used to make other subtle smile improvements, such as changing the size, shape or position of certain teeth. This makes them a great choice for people who are interested in making other cosmetic changes to their teeth, especially if they aren’t keen on more invasive treatments like crowns or braces.
Finally, veneers last a very long time. With proper care, a set of high-quality veneers could last more than a decade. Whitening treatments, on the other hand, usually only last a few months. When your teeth start to yellow again, you’ll need another round of whitening to brighten them up again.
Disadvantages of Veneers
Despite their many attractive features, veneers also have a few notable downsides.
Veneers are expensive. A full set can easily cost thousands of dollars. Composite veneers cost a little less than porcelain ones but may not provide the same dazzling results that their pricier counterparts are known for.
Veneers also stain just as easily as natural teeth do, and they can’t be whitened again if this happens. You’ll need to avoid dark-coloured food and drink to keep them shiny and bright, just as you would if you were trying to keep your natural teeth looking that way.
Lastly, veneers are more fragile than natural teeth. While they can last a long time with proper care and upkeep, you’ll need to be extra careful with them to make this happen. You’ll need to cut up hard foods like apples or crusty bread before eating them, and you’ll have to wear a mouthguard to bed every night if you grind your teeth in your sleep. If you’re not prepared to make these changes, veneers may not be for you.
So Are Veneers Worth It?
Both veneers and tooth whitening treatments can produce great results. It’s up to you to decide which of the pros and cons listed above are most important to you. Coscarella Family Dentistry offers both treatments at our welcoming Windsor office. Contact us today to book your appointment or sign up for a consultation before making your final decision.