man holding sore tooth outside

Chipped Tooth Dilemma: When Should You Seek Dental Attention?

Chipped teeth are a common dental injury that must be treated by a dentist. Unfortunately, they tend to crop up at the most inconvenient times – like right before a long weekend!

Whether you play contact sports, grind your teeth at night, or just bit down too hard on a piece of peanut brittle, your chipped tooth might be significant enough to require emergency care. In many cases, though, it’s fine to wait until your dentist has an open appointment for you. Here are four things to consider to help you figure out what kind of care is appropriate for your needs.

1. Is Just One Tooth Chipped?

Injuries that chip more than one tooth are more likely to be severe enough for an emergency appointment. Check your other teeth for chips, especially those opposing or next to the one you know was damaged. If you spot any other chips, consider booking that emergency appointment.

2. How Big is the Chip?

A small chip on the edge of a tooth might not need to be treated right away. A chip that breaks off a significant portion of your tooth’s outer surface is more serious.

Examine the affected tooth carefully. How much of it broke off? Can you see the tooth’s inner material (dentin or pulp) where the break occurred? How bad do your friends and family think it is? Use the answers to these questions to decide whether an emergency visit is warranted.

3. Are There Other Signs of Damage?

Sometimes a chipped tooth will also have other problems due to the injury that caused the damage. Look for things like cracks in the tooth, excessive bleeding, gum injuries, swelling, discolouration in the tooth, and other signs that the issue may run deeper than a superficial chip.

Pay special attention to signs of a possible abscess, including pus pockets, tooth sensitivity, and a high fever. Abscesses are considered emergencies and may become life-threatening without immediate attention from a dentist.

4. Are You in Severe Pain?

A chipped tooth usually doesn’t cause much pain. If you’re in so much pain that you can’t eat, sleep, or focus, it’s time to book an emergency appointment. There may be an underlying problem that needs immediate treatment.

Perhaps more importantly, though, you deserve to get relief from that kind of pain as soon as possible. Even if your dentist can’t perform all the necessary procedures right away, they’ll give you some painkillers and establish a treatment plan for the next few weeks.

Visit Us for Timely Treatment for Your Chipped Tooth

Think you need an emergency appointment for your chipped tooth after all? Contact Coscarella Family Dentistry today. Our team will assess your needs over the phone, confirm whether emergency treatment is needed, and slot you into the earliest available spot on our schedule.


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1390 Grand Maris Rd W
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8474 Wyandotte St E
Windsor, ON. N8S 1T6

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