
Single Tooth Implant

How Long Will My Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants consist of special screws, usually made from titanium, used to tightly anchor a bridge or other dental restoration. The screw is implanted into the patient’s jawbone, then a set of artificial teeth is added, using the screw as a base. Generally, the restoration used is a bridge: A set of two or more

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Child's Bad Breath

Why Does My Child Have Bad Breath?

Children may not be fans of bathing, or being clean in general. That can extend to their teeth. However, if your child has persistent bad breath, you should start to pay attention. Why do children have bad breath? There are various reasons including: Having eaten smelly foods, such as garlic Not brushing their teeth often

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Dental Health Seniors

6 Dental Health Tips for Seniors

As people get older, some may start to develop health problems. Whether it is due to lifestyle, genetics, or simple overuse, we may think that this is just a part of life. The same for teeth. You may think that you will eventually lose them. Yet this doesn’t have to be the case! By taking

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